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Laudemont Ministries
P.O. Box 369
Hamilton, Illinois 62341 U.S.A.

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Since November 2009


A Sensible Approach to Christian Truth


Our Most Recent Sermons
The “Theory of Everything” (2020)
“Dark Energy” and the Reality of God (2019)
Rescued by the Ark (2019)
“Christian Sacred Cows” (2019)
“But Now . . .” (2019)
Was the First Christmas Really So Heavenly? (2017)

Sermons on YouTube Video
God Shines Forth (August 2004)
Humility and Exaltation (August 2004)
The Great and Terrible Day (October 2004)
Mary (December 2004)
The Apple and the Adoption (December 2004)
Gifts of the King (January 2005)
When Life Is Transfigured (February 2005)
True Worship (Jesus on the Way to the Cross, I) (February 2005)
True Authority (Jesus on the Way to the Cross, II) (March 2005)
True Insight (Jesus on the Way to the Cross, III) (March 2005)
True Sacrifice (Jesus on the Way to the Cross, IV) (March 2005)
Resurrection Faith and Fear (March 2005 version)
Difficult People: Gotta Love 'Em (June 2005)
Lessons from a Father (June 2005)

Abide These Three: Faith, Hope, and Love — These three Christian qualities aren’t separate ideas, but three aspects of the one reality of the Lord’s covenant with his people, and their commitment to him. [June 14, 2015]

Adeste Fideles! — The oft-repeated word come in this familiar carol draws us into a deeper appreciation of the meaning of our Savior’s coming, and his ongoing presence with us. [Christmas Eve, December 24, 2016]

All Authority in the Earth — Christians need to speak out against the craziness of our culture, because this world is headed for a Christ-shaped future. [June 28, 2015]

An Abundance of Joy — Sourpuss Christians negate the Gospel; how can joyful worship lead us to a more joyous life? [January 2, 2005]

The Apple and the Adoption — An old English carol points us toward the reason God sent his Son to us. [Christmas Eve, December 24, 2004]

Are You Filled with the Spirit? — You can be filled with the Holy Spirit if you drop whatever inhibits the manifestation of God’s life in yours. [June 4,2017]

As with Gladness — The Magi set an example of glad worship with their gifts and adoration; they not only “put their money where their mouth was,” they also put their bodies into it. [Sunday after Epiphany, January 10, 2016]

Back to the Basics — It’s a good idea to return, once in a while, to an examination of the basics of the Christian gospel, with some coaching from the Apostle Paul. [1995]

Baptized into His Death — Baptism might have different meanings for each of us, depending on our stage in life and our journey of faith. [January 30, 2005]

Blessed Trinity — When we understand God in terms of the Trinity we understand that he’s living, generous with his gifts, and present in every way to encourage us and lift us up. [Trinity Sunday, May 22, 2016]

Being Shrewd About the Kingdom — In the parable of the dishonest manager, Jesus conveys to us how much the kingdom of God is worth. [September 19, 2004]

Being Shrewd About the Kingdom (Revised) — Distractions can keep us from seeing what God wants us to prioritize in our life. [January 18, 2015]

“But Now . . .” — Because of the Jesus’ resurrection things are different from what they used to be, both in history and in our personal lives. [October 6, 2019]

The Carol of Belief — “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” might be called the “theologian’s carol” because it summarizes many important doctrines of our faith. [January 3, 2016]

Charge to the Congregation — Congregations receiving a new pastor need to heed the warning of Israel’s wilderness wanderings: If we do what they did, we’ll stay where they stayed. [August 28, 2005]

Charge to the Pastor — The Apostle Paul lists some essential “bullet points” for pastors beginning their ministry in the local church. [October 12, 2003]

“Christian Sacred Cows” — Christians have come favorite sayings we hear again and again; do they really square with the teachings of Scripture? [October 20, 2019]

The Courage to Confess — Lent is a sober season, when we confess our sins — but confession has another meaning in the Bible that offers the answer to sin. [Ash Wednesday, February 9, 2005]

Creed of Our Hope — The Apostles’ Creed guides us into a deeper understanding of the hope we have in the Holy Trinity — God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. [Trinity Sunday, May 22, 2005]

“Dark Energy” and the Reality of God — The recently discovered phenomenon of “dark energy” forming most of the mass of the universe suggests that we need to change the way we typically speak of God’s presence. [2019]

The Day is Coming — We live in a culture that shies away from the thought of judgment, but it’s a biblical concept we have to deal with. [August 2, 2015]

The Difference He Makes — The carol “O Holy Night” celebrates how Jesus has worked through history to break the chains holding people under oppressive conditions. [Christmas Eve, December 24, 2015]

Difficult People: Gotta Love ‘Em! — Six principles for dealing with people who give you trouble. [June 12, 2005]

Faithful to the Faithful One — Rather than being preoccupied with our own faith, we might do well to consider the faithfulness of the Lord. [October 10, 2004]

Filled with the Spirit — If we have Jesus we have his Holy Spirit, and the very life of God in us flows out to impact the people we deal with. [May 15, 2016]

The Four Baptisms — The New Testament speaks of four baptisms: The Messianic baptism of Jesus, our baptism into him, our baptism in the Holy Spirit, and the "baptism of fire" Christians may have to undergo in a hostile culture. [January 11, 2015]

Fruit of the Spirit — What the Holy Spirit brings forth in us, based on Paul’s list in Galatians 5:22-23. [June 27, 2004]

The Geography of Salvation — Sometimes when the Bible describes God’s coming to save us, it sounds like a page from an atlas. [December 12, 2004]

Getting It Right This Time — At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit reversed what the Lord had to do at the tower of Babel. [Pentecost, May 15, 2005]

Gifts of the King — The Magi offered gifts to the newborn King symbolic of who he is, but the King’s own gifts to us surpass them. [Sunday after Epiphany, January 9, 2005]

God in Our Midst — Even some unbelievers were attracted to the worship of the New Testament church. What’s missing in our worship today that might attract them? [July 12, 2015]

God Shines Forth — How did the God “shine forth” in the worship of the Psalms, and how does he “shine forth” in our worship today? [August 8, 2004]

God’s Christmas Gift — Sermon by Dr. R. D. Leonard (1901-1976). Which day is more important in the church year — Easter or Christmas? How does Christmas address the predicament of human sin? [November 28, 1976]

The Gospel According to Luke, I: What Sort of Messiah? — Jesus, when tested, “rewrote the book on Messiahship”; are we also tempted to solve our problems in ways that don’t conform to God’s Word? [March 5, 2017]

The Gospel According to Luke, II: The One Thing Needful — This isn’t a time to be preoccupied with mundane details of daily life; it’s a time to understand what God is up to, and line up our lives with his purpose. [March 12, 2017]

The Gospel According to Luke, III: A “Chain” that Changes Us — If we’re not working with Jesus to bring order and truth into human life, we’re really working against him. [March 19, 2017]

The Gospel According to Luke, IV: The Lost Is Found! — Whatever the reason we find ourselves outside God’s best plan for us, he always wants to bring us back to himself. [March 26, 2017]

The Gospel According to Luke, V: Redefining God’s People — When we understand that we’re God’s elect whom he wants to bless, we no longer beg God to answer our prayers. [April 2, 2017]

The Gospel According to Luke, VI: Welcoming the King — Jesus comes as King, enlarging our vision for what it means to be the people of God. [April 9, 2017]

The Gospel According to Luke, VII: All Authority in Heaven and Earth — Jesus’ resurrection reveals that he has supreme authority, setting us free from the tyranny of false authorities. [April 16, 2017]

The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 1: The Time Has Come! — The “good news” is that God is doing what he has always intended to do: to rescue his people. We don’t want to keep that a secret from the people we deal with. [September 6, 2015]

The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 2: It’s a New Day! — Healing comes only through forgiveness, both God’s forgiveness of us and our forgiveness of those who’ve offended us. [September 13, 2015]

The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 3: Called to Be Apostles! — Each believer is called to exercise Jesus’ authority over evil and demonstrate how God is on the move today. [September 20, 2015]

The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 4: Sowing the Word of the Kingdom — If we’re open to the Word of God it will change us, and we’ll experience the presence of God’s kingdom. [October 4, 2015]

The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 5: Everyone Was Astonished — Are we reluctant to accept the astonishing power and authority of Jesus because yielding to that authority might cost us something? [October 11, 2015]

The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 6: Don’t Be Afraid! — Should we allow our emotions to affect our behavior as Christians and our participation with others in the work and worship of God’s church? [October 18, 2015]

The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 7: Tradition and Testimony — Is what we say or do in church really exercising faithful obedience to the Word of God, or is it just doing what we’ve been accustomed to doing? [October 25, 2015]

The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 8: Signs and Saints — Our faith in Jesus isn’t just about “me,” it’s about the larger community he’s building — the community of God’s covenant, his faithful saints. [November 1, 2015]

The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 9: “Help My Unbelief!” — When we pray we commit ourselves to receiving God’s answer by faith; we don’t hold back because we’re afraid God’s reluctant to give us what we need. [November 8, 2015]

The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 10: Are You Able? — Whatever our personal history, we can work with the Creator to being order, peace, and beauty into his world. [November 15, 2015]

The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 11: By What Authority? — Through the prayer of faith, reflecting God’s faithfulness back to him, we can be the church he has called us to be and bless our community and the larger world into which our mission extends. [January 31, 201]6

The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 12 (part 1): In Agreement with God — We serve the Lord because we’re faithful to the agreement he’s made with us, not just because it makes us feel good about ourselves. [February 7, 2016]

The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 12 (part 2): Committed to One God — Are we fully on board with how God is working to deliver people from whatever holds them back from the life he wants to give them? [February 14, 2016]

The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 13: “Let the Reader Understand” — Like the earliest Christians we face opposition to our faith, but Jesus assures us that “the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” [February 28, 2016]

The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 14 (part 1): A Beautiful Thing for Jesus — Jesus wants our faithfulness to what he’s called us to do, but he also wants us to honor him with things of beauty or even extravagance. [March 6, 2016]

The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 14 (part 2): Betrayal — Denial — Redemption! — The power of the living Jesus can change us, as he did Peter, into a fearless witness to the truth and a minister of healing to others. [March 13, 2016]

The Gospel in Proverbs — The Book of Proverbs looks like a loose collection of wise sayings, but there’s a principle behind it — a principle that is indeed “good news.” [April 29, 2012]

The Great and Terrible Day — When we meet God’s judgments in our lives, it’s time to call out to him in repentance. [October 24, 2004]

“Head Over All Things for the Church” — Christ’s headship over all things has implications for the scope of the church’s concern for, and involvement in, its surrounding culture. [August 31, 2012]

Highlights from Deuteronomy, I: Freed for a Purpose — The commandments of God are not restrictive, but set us free to be the people we’re created to be. [April 30, 2017]

Highlights from Deuteronomy, II: One God Alone — We tend to consider ourselves our own “lords,” but there is only one Lord whose faithfulness to us demands our faithfulness to him. [May 7, 2017]

Highlights from Deuteronomy, III: A Compassionate God — Because the Lord has compassion on his people, they respond with compassion toward others in need. [May 14, 2017]

Highlights from Deuteronomy, IV: The True Prophet — The role of the prophet isn’t to predict future events, but to speak the Word of God and call people to obey him. [May 28, 2017]

Highlights from Deuteronomy, V: Actions Have Consequences — The choices we make, for good or ill, have lasting effects in our lives; good choices make for successful living. [July 2, 2017]

An Historian Looks at Easter — Objections to belief in Jesus’ resurrection don’t stand the test of solid inquiry into the historical evidence. [Easter, March 27, 2016]

Humility and Exaltation — Exalting yourself never works, because it’s a sign that you really don’t think much of yourself. [August 29, 2004]

Increase Our Faith — Having enough faith can be a struggle — till we take the focus off ourselves! [October 3, 2004]

Jesus Is Coming! — Focusing on Jesus’ coming as an “end-time” event can divert our attention from the ways he comes to us now, and what we need to be doing as a result. [December 20, 2015]

Jesus on the Way to the Cross, I: True Worship — In his dialogue with the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus raises the issue of our real priorities. [February 27, 2005]

Jesus on the Way to the Cross, II: True Authority — Jesus explains that we have more authority, not less, when we’re submitted to a higher Authority. [March 6, 2005]

Jesus on the Way to the Cross, III: True Insight — Jesus gave sight to a man born blind, and from the story we learn how he gives us insight into ourselves, others, and who Jesus truly is. [March 13, 2005]

Jesus on the Way to the Cross, IV: True Sacrifice — Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem is framed in his teaching about the sacrifice both he and his followers are called upon to make. [Palm Sunday, March 20, 2005]

Jesus Opens the Scriptures — We may revere the Bible and think we understand it, but only the risen Jesus can open our minds to its true meaning for our lives. [April 3, 2005]

Jesus, the Word — Jesus is called “the Word” in the writings of the apostle John. How do we understand the Word as the source of knowledge and the basis for reality? [December 15, 2013]

Keeping Hope Alive — The Apostle Paul, whose mission took him through many seemingly hopeless situations, offers a “checklist” of ways to maintain a hopeful outlook. [July 5, 2015]

A King Without a Crown — The day history changed forever, and took a new turn, is the day Jesus wrestled with what sort of Messiah he was to be — and then lived out the pathway God showed him which led him to the cross. [Palm Sunday, March 20, 2016]

Known in the Breaking of Bread — What do the different terms for Holy Communion imply, and how is Jesus present to us in this ordinance? [September 5, 2004]

Known in the Breaking of Bread (Revised) — Just how is Jesus present with us when we meet him at the Lord’s Table? [January 24, 2016]

The Law of Liberty — If nothing is forbidden, everything is required — and that’s not liberty but slavery. By restricting behavior in certain critical areas the Ten Commandments leave us free iin other aspects of life. [April 26, 2015]

Lessons from a Father — The story of Caleb, a father in Israel, has some valuable lessons for dads — and for all of us. [Father’s Day, June 19, 2005]

The Letter of James, I: Doers of the Word — The Lord’s brother reminds us that it’s through doing the Word that the resurrection life of Jesus becomes reality in our life. [April 10, 2016]

The Letter of James, II: Activate Your Faith — Faith is being faithful to God, placing him first in our lives and doing what he calls us to do as people who belong to his family. [April 17, 2016]

The Letter of James, III: Wisdom and Word — Wisdom isn’t just knowing a lot of facts; a wise man or woman is one who knows how to handle the issues of life, especially matters of personal relationships. [April 24, 2016]

The Letter of James, IV: Resist the Devil — Often the devil uses our own voice to lie to us, but because we’re under the Lord’s authority we have authority over the devil and whatever he would bring against us. [May 1, 2016]

The Letter of James, V: Be Prosperous, Be Healed! — God doesn’t want us to be sick, or poor, or harassed by the issues of life; confessing our sin and praying with other believers can reduce the stress caused by our mistaken sense of unworthiness. [May 8, 2016]

Living in the Heavenly City — The city of God isn’t someplace we’ll go to; if we know the Lord, we’re living in it now. [August 22, 2004]

Looking Beyond the Light Line — The Transfiguration of Jesus is a window into eternity, a glimpse beyond the “light line” into dimensions beyond our ordinary four. [February 19, 2012]

The Lord’s Song in a Strange Land — Scripture passages that seem to be quite unrelated turn out to have a common thread: our commitment to serve the Lord in a culture hostile to our faith. [October 11, 2003]

Mary — When Mary said, "I am the Lord’s servant," did she understand how her son’s story would be viewed from the perspective of heaven? [December 19, 2004]

"Mighty Works and Wonders and Signs" — Prejudice against the occurrence of miracles has prevented people from acknowledging that they happen today. [February 8, 2015]

A New Perspective on Galatians — The work of several scholars during recent decades offers some new insights into Paul’s teaching, particularly in his Letter to the Galatians. [July 4, 2010]

Opening the Scriptures — If we want to be like the New Testament church we need to pay more attention to the Old Testament’s main themes: Creation, Covenant, and Consummation. [April 19, 2015]

The Other Side of Heaven — Heaven, in the Bible, is simply “God’s space” — wherever the action of God is evident and his will is being done. [February 28, 2016]

Our Benefits Package — Psalm 103 enumerates the benefits we receive when we’re faithful to God’s covenant with us. [March 8, 2015]

The Parallel Universe of Praise — Worship takes us into another realm where we’re able to see the Lord’s victory over those things make us resentful and full of bitterness. [October 22, 2006]

A Pattern for Progress — All we know about Jesus’ life, from age 12 till he began to preach, is summed up in one verse that provides a pattern for Christian maturity. [January 16, 2005]

Peace in Our Midst — If our world is to know peace, it must begin in God’s “holy mountain”: the church of Jesus Christ. [December 5, 2004]

People of the Future — The “Beatitudes” Jesus proclaims in Matthew 5 describe the blessed, happy condition of those who will prevail and inherit the future. [August 9, 2015]

Praying Against Our Enemies! — Some of the Psalms appear bitter, and heap curses upon the speaker’s enemies. Can Christians still pray these Psalms? [July 15, 2012]

Pre-Foundational Principles — The Bible mentions several realities existing “before the foundation of the world” that establish the fundamental principles for Christian faith and life. [September 11, 1988]

Pressing Toward the Resurrection — We are raised from death through Jesus’ resurrection. So how can Paul urge us to “press on” to attain the resurrection? [April 24, 2005]

Psalm 100: Paradigm of Praise — The well-known 100th Psalm presents both a double invitation to the worship of God, and the reasons for praising him. [December 3, 1985]

Rescued by the Ark — Baptism into Jesus, like the ark of Noah, is a rescue from the corruption of the world about us. [2019]

Resurrection Fear — Our Lord’s victory over death fills us with hope and joy, but the Gospel story suggests there’s another side to resurrection. [Easter, April 4, 2010; revised from March 27, 2005]

Saved by His Life — “Salvation,” in the Bible, is rescue or deliverance from enemies, or even from a toxic worldview, and entyrance into a new kind of life. But exactly how does Jesus save us? [August 23, 2015]

Security Blankets — Do we tend to hang onto familiar behavior because we feel secure, even if that behavior keeps us from being the people God wants us to be? [April 2, 1995]

The Supper at Bethany — We can misunderstand the “signs” Jesus performs if we interpret them through our culture’s priorities. To see what God is doing in Christ, we need to get beneath the surface of the story. [March 21, 2010]

Survivors of the Cross — An incident in the autobiography of Josephus, the ancient Jewish historian, raises an interesting question: Is there a sense in which Christians are “survivors of the cross?” [April 6, 2014]

Ten Things God Is Doing in Your Life — Sometimes, when it seems that God isn’t answering our prayers, we forget the broad scope of his activity in our life. [October 19, 2014]

The “Theory of Everything” — The Bible deals with the same universe cosmologists and physicists deal with; do the biblical writers know something about the nature of the universe scientists are just discovering? [2019]

"They Devoted Themselves" — In Acts 2:42 Luke offers a concise picture of the life of the earliest Christians, establishing a pattern for the church’s life today. [August 16, 2015]

Those Crazy Prophets — The prophets have insight into the mind of God, and they feel his heartache over the disobedience of his human family. Do we ever consider how God feels when we disappoint him? [May 3, 2015]

The Three Baptisms — We’re familiar with water baptism and the baptism in the Holy Spirit. But Scripture tells of a third baptism — the baptism of suffering. [June 5, 2005]

The Three Temptations — Entering into the story of Jesus’ pathway toward the cross, we find we face the same temptations he did. [February 13, 2005]

Time to Turn Around — When we realize that our lives are headed in the wrong direction, the smart thing is admit our mistake and turn around. [May 1, 2005]

Times of Refreshing — What’s the New Testament really all about? It’s about restoration — of the creation, of the church, and of each individual believer. [September 23, 2007]

Trusting for Life — Jesus Christ “brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.” It’s only through trusting ourselves to him that we can obtain the same life. [September 27, 2009]

Up, But Not Away — In his Ascension, Jesus Christ is declared to be the Ruler of all things, and from his exalted place he gives his church gifts for ministry and witness. [Sunday after Ascension, May 8, 2005]

The Victory Cross — On the cross, Christ defeated those forces that pressure us into a self-centered and unhappy life. [July 25, 2004]

Was the First Cristmas Really So Heavenly? — Our traditional images of Christmas don’t always reflect the difficult world into which the Messiah was born. [Christmas Eve, December 24, 2017]

Water into Wine — An imaginary Bible character gives his first-person account of Jesus’ first miracle. [January 23, 2005]

The Way of the Righteous (Exegesis of Psalm 1) — The first psalm lays out a stark contrast between the righteous and the ungodly as to their their delight, their dependability, and their destiny. [March 13, 1983]

The Way of the Righteous (Version 2) — Psalm 1 reminds us that there is an accounting for our lives, and encourages us to allow the Lord to shape our lives through his Word. [August 30, 2015]

We Are Not Alone — God’s long-range plan involves not only believers living today, but the saints who have gone before and those who follow. [November 7, 2004]

“We Are Witnesses of These Things” — The eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ resurrection are related just as that surprising and unexpected event must have occurred; no other explanation makes any historical sense. [April 12, 2015]

We Behold God — Worship isn’t an entertainment program or a spectator sport; it’s a gathering to renew our covenant with the Lord, and it has a certain flow that leads to experiencing God’s presence at the Lord’s Table. [January 17, 2016]

What Do You Do When God Isn’t There? — When difficulties arise it’s easy to imagine God has deserted us. Even the people who wrote the Bible had to cope with this feeling. [August 28, 1988]

When Life Is Transfigured — Exploring the meaning of Jesus’ transfiguration can lead us toward the transformation of our lives, as well. [February 6, 2005]

When You Don’t Have a Prayer — In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus teaches us about the purpose of prayer, encourages persistence in prayer, and gives us a pattern for prayer. [August 1, 2004]